The Martial Way Nihon Goshin Aikijujutsu, is a different kind of Martial Arts School! We are a modern school and take a modern approach to the martial arts and martial arts training.
We provide a relaxed environment for both children and adults, and believe learning is possible without the militaristic “boot camp” environment found in many schools. We don’t go to competitions; we don’t give out trophies; we don’t have a drill Sargent, and we don’t fight.
If you want to fight, there are plenty of schools out there that will train you to be brutal. Please go there.
Our goal is to teach students to resolve physical conflict without inflicting unnecessary harm on their attacker. To that end, we practice Aikijujutsu.
Aiki is a tricky term meaning Harmony with Spirit or Harmony with Nature -- meaning the spirit or nature of an attack or other physical movement. For all practical purposes, aiki is about balance and motion. It's about the connection between you and your opponent and maintaining and using that connection to off balance and control them.
Jujutsu, sometimes written jujitsu, literally means soft techniques. So Aikijujutsu primarily uses soft techniques (other than punches and kicks) to neutralize an attack.
So if you don’t fight, what do you do?
We train. We help each other learn. We study balance. We study motion and strength. We study the movements of attack and defense. We study ancient techniques and how to use them in the modern world. But, most of all, we have fun.
We welcome anyone who would like to train and allow prospective students to attend two free classes before signing up. Now you know who we are, if you want to keep reading, just surf around the site some more, or come in for a couple of classes!
Kids (Age 5*, 6-11) 4:00 - 4:50
Adults (Ages 12+) 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Kids (Age 5*, 6-11) 4:00 - 4:50
*will be assessed for readiness.
Kids (upper level belts) 5:00 - 6:50
Adults (Ages 12+) 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Special Needs Classes 12:00 - 2:00
Kids (Age 5*, 6-11) 4:00 - 4:50
Kids (Age 5*, 6-11) 4:00 - 4:50
*will be assessed for readiness.
Kids (upper level belts) 5:00 - 6:50
Adults (Ages 12+) 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Adults: 8:30 - 9:50 am
Registration Fee: $50
Senior Registration Fee: $50 -- Due upon promotion to the rank of Ni-kyu.
Monthly Dues: $120
The dojo is a membership organization. Your membership starts the day you sign up and ends when you resign from the organization. Monthly dues are due for every month you remain a member --regardless of whether or not you show up for classes! If work or vacation or illness keeps you from attending in any given month, your membership dues are still due. If your absence is going to be longer than 3 months, arrangements can be made to suspend your dues. There is no contract, and you may cancel (resign) at any time with no fee or penalty.
Family Rate: $120 for the first student
$90 for each additional student.
Private Lessons: $60/hr
Special Needs Group Classes: $200/month
Special Needs Individual Classes: $225/month
Mat Fee (per class): $25
*Mat Fees are for students visiting the area. Students who live locally can try two free classes and then must join.
Uniform: Uniform prices vary by size, weight and qualitystart. Basic uniforms start at about $35 for children and $75 for adults.
Patch: $10
Belt: $10
We offer an after school program for elementary school students at EJ Russell Elementary School.
Students are picked up from EJR at 3:15 and shuttled to the dojo. A snack is provided while we wait for walk in students to arrive. Class is from 4 to 5pm and kids can be picked up at 5PM or stay to be picked up by parents until 6pm. Kids staying can play, color, do homework or just hang out.
Space is limited, so call for availability.
The fee for the after school program is $25 per day which is in addition to the regular membership fee of $120 per month.
You can contact us via telephone at (845) 283-8058.
Please leave a message including your contact info if we are not in or cannot pick up the phone, we will get back to you.
You can also send us a message on our FaceBook page
Our Mailing Address is:
The Martial Way NGA
PO Box 599
Pine Bush, NY 12566
It takes years of practice to learn how to move effectively in any martial art. It takes even longer to develop the ability to watch others and understand their movements.
Please enjoy these videos. We are still developing our skills at producing them. And, If you are interested in learning what exactly is going on in them, please consider coming in and practicing with us. If you are not nearby, don't worry! Aikido, Aikijujutsu and Jujutsu classes are available all around the world!
Front Wrist Throw (Kotegaeshi)
Overhand Entering Arm Bar Defense
Arm Bar Projection from an Overhand Strike
Defense Against a Rear Bear Hug (Arms Pinned)
Defense 2 Against a Rear Bear Hug (Arms Pinned)
Inside Entering Spin Around Defense
Outside Entering Spin Around Defense
Put Photos and video link here
The Martial Way
Nihon Goshin Aikijujutsu
61B Main Street
Pine Bush, NY 12566
Call (845) 283-8058
for self defense classes or aikijujutsu information.